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Just some quick notes on orthogonal projections onto regular level sets from a linear-algebraic and a differential point of view.

A quick note on orthogonal projections

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\newcommand{\from}{:}$ $\newcommand{\pin}[1]{\tilde{#1}}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\im}{im}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\grad}{grad}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\id}{I}$ $\DeclareMathOperator{\dim}{dim}$

The linear algebraic point of view

If $A: U \to V$ is a linear map between Euclidean spaces, there exist a powerful and simple way to build the orthogonal projections onto its kernel and onto its image: the Moore–Penrose inverse. Indeed there always exists1 a linear map $\pin{A} \from V \to U$ characterized by

  1. $\pin{A}A\pin{A} = \pin{A}$
  2. $\pin{A}A$ and $A\pin{A}$ are self-adjoint.

If $A$ is invertible then $\pin{A} = A^{-1}$.

Note that $\pin{A}A \from U \to U$ and $A\pin{A} \from V \to V$ are endomorphisms. They are the maps we are interested in:

$A\pin{A} \from V \to V$ is the orthogonal projection

$\pin{A}A \from U \to U$ is the orthogonal projection

\[\tag{1} \text{onto }\im{\pin{A}{A}} = \im{\pin{A}} =\left(\ker{A}\right)^{\perp}\]

along $\ker{\pin{A}{A}} = \ker{A} = \left(\im{\pin{A}}\right)^{\perp}$

Full-rank case

The Moore-Penrose inverse can be computed in closed form, and this procedure is particularly simple in the case of full-ranked $A$. Let $\dim{U} = n$ and $\dim{V} = m$ with $A \from U \to V$, so $A \in \R^{m \times n}$.

\[\tag{2} \pin{A} = A^T\left( AA^T \right)^{-1};\]

All these notions generalize neatly to generic (as opposed to Euclidean) inner product spaces;2 at the moment I’m interested in the full-rank, surjective, non-Euclidean case.

Full-rank, surjective, Riemannian case

Let $A \from U \to V$ be a full-rank linear map between vector spaces, with $n = \dim{U} > \dim{V} = m$ (so $A$ is surjective and not injective).

Equip $U$ be equipped with the Riemannian metric $g$. This means that $g$ is a smooth field of inner products, that is for each $x \in U$ we have an inner product $g_x: U \times U \to \R$.

For each $x \in U$ we want to build the orthogonal projection $P_x \from U \to U$ onto the kernel of $A$ with respect to the inner product $g_x$. This turns out to be23

\[\tag{3} P_x = \id - g_x^{-1}A^T \left( A g_x^{-1} A^T \right)^{-1} A\]

We don’t prove this here, but just perform some consistency checks and develop an intuition of where this might come from.

Thus $(3)$ is the non-Euclidean generalisation of $(1)$ in the full-rank, surjective case $(2)$ ✅.

Dimensionally, a vector in $U$ has shape $n\times1$ (column vector), and $P_x$ must be $n \times n$. Indeed $g_x$ and $g_x^{-1}$ are $n \times n$, $A$ is $m \times n$, $A^T$ is $n \times m$, and all works out well.

The differential point of view

Different point of view now. Let $S$ be a submanifold4 of a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$. If $X$ is a vector field on $M$ then its orthogonal projection with respect to $g$ onto $S$ is the vector field $X_S$ on S given by

\[X_S = X - \frac{g(X,n)}{g(n,n)} \, n\]

where $n$ is any vector field in $M$ that is normal to $S$.

Level sets of smooth submersions and gradients

If $F \from M \to N$ is a smooth submersion between smooth manifolds, that is a smooth function whose differential is surjective,5 then its level sets $S_y = {x \in M: F(x) = y}$ are smooth submanifolds of $M$ of dimension $\dim{M} - \dim{N}$, for all $y \in N$.

If $N = \R$ then $S$ has codimension $1$, and the tangent space to $S$ at a point $x$ is the kernel of the differential of $F$, $T_{x}S = \ker{d_xF}$, so that the gradient of $F$ is a vector field in $M$ normal to $S$:

\[g_x(\grad{F}_x, u) = d_xF\cdot{u} = 0 \quad \text{ for all } u \in T_{x}S.\]

Thus if $X$ is a vector field in $(M,g)$, its orthogonal projection $X_S$ onto the level set $S$ of a smooth submersion $F \from M \to \R$ is

\[\tag{4} X_S = X - \frac{g(X,\grad{F})}{g(\grad{F},\grad{F})} \, \grad{F}.\]

Best of both worlds

Let now $A \from M = \R^n \to \R$ be a full-rank linear surjection, and let $S = \ker{A}$ be its zero level set. In this case, Eq. $(4)$ should reduce to Eq. $(3)$.

In matrix form we have that $A \in \R^{1 \times n}$, and by linearity the differential of $A$ can be identified with $A$ itself, and thought of as a row vector: $d_xA \cong A: T_{x}\R^n \cong \R^n \to T_{Ax}\R \cong\R$. The gradient of $A$ at a point $x$ is the $n\times 1$ column vector

\[\grad_{x}A = g_x^{-1} \left( d_{x}A \right) = g_{x}^{-1}A^T,\]

where in the second term the $(2,0)$ tensor $g_{x}^{-1}$ acts on the $(0,1)$ tensor $d_x{A}$ by canonical duality pairing, and the last term is to be read as matrix equation; dimensions are consistent since $g_x^{-1}$ is $n \times n$ and $A^T$ is $n \times 1$.

By $(4)$ the orthogonal projection of a vector field $X$ in $M$ onto $S$ with respect to $g$ is

\[\begin{split} X_S & = X - \frac{g(X,\grad{A})}{g(\grad{A},\grad{A})} \, \grad{A} \\ & = X - \frac{AX}{Ag^{-1}A^T} \, g^{-1}A^T \\ \end{split}\]

which is dimensionally consistent (the fraction is a scalar, and $X$ and $g^{-1}A^T$ are $n\times 1$), and is precisely Eq. $(3)$ in the case $m = 1$.

  1. S. Roman, S. Axler, and F. Gehring, Advanced linear algebra, 3rd ed. Springer, 2008. 

  2. K. Kamaraj and K. C. Sivakumar, “Moore-Penrose inverse in an indefinite inner product space,” JAMC, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 297–310, Mar. 2005  2

  3. F. Alvarez, J. Bolte, and O. Brahic, “Hessian Riemannian gradient flows in convex programming,” SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 477–501, Jan. 2004, doi: 10.1137/S0363012902419977

  4. J. M. Lee, Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, 2nd ed. in Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag New York, 2012. 

  5. This can be relaxed to regular level sets of smooth functions that are not necessarily submersions by requiring the level sets to not contain critical points; cf An exercise on regular level sets